Saturday, April 17, 2010

If Hillary had divorced Bill Clinton after he admitted to the affair, would she had made it this far?

Seeing as Bill has been doing a lot of heavy lifting for her campaign and he's a familiar face, I dont;t beleive she would be in contention if she was 'on her own' so to speak.

If Hillary had divorced Bill Clinton after he admitted to the affair, would she had made it this far?
She never would have even entered the race.
Reply:Shes very accomplished all on her own, read her bio, Wellesley, Yale, partner in a law firm, worked in DC during the Nixon administration. Active in many children's and civil rights organizations. It just a shame we read only the headlines and not the background. Shes actually the better person for the position of President than Bill was.

John McCain divorced his wife after cheating on her, and that adulterer seems to have locked up the Republican nomination.

After all, it was not Hillary who cheated.
Reply:Most likely NOT.

Edited: I'm sure Bill had had affairs long before he came on the national seen. Either Hillary was blind or she knew about them. Either case it brings up questions. If she couldn't read a philanderer that close to her how do we expect her to be able to read diplomats from foreign cultures? If we write it off as she had known for a long time then it says she stayed for the bennies? Now we have to ask what is her price to sell us out?
Reply:Of course she would. Please understand that Hillary is a very ambitious lady -- cold, calculating, ruthless. Otherwise she would have divorced Bill thirty years ago and not have covered up his sexual addiction all that time. Look how calculating she has been. She ruthlessly stomped on Gennifer Flowers, Juanita Broaderick, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and Monica Lewinsky and than did a smear campaign on them to cover up Bill's indiscretions and misdeeds. You should read Kathleen Willey's book, "Target."

I think it goes without saying that Hillary will stop at nothing to get into the White House, and it's beginning to show in her negative ads and subtle leaks to the press about Obama's bad traits.
Reply:I think she would have had even More support had she done so.

He embarrassed her nationally and she pretended it was the "Vast right Wing" instead of Willys Vast ego
Reply:She may have. It's about time the US stopped choosing only white, males and there are a lot of people who think she's done a good job as Senator.
Reply:Nope. Her supporters will only vote for her because they feel sorry for what she has to put up with. Let's face it. She is staying with Bill because it enhances her image.

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