Saturday, April 17, 2010

Really worried about being stressed and lonely back in the US.?

Hi. I have a 8 month old boy and I came to India to be with my family when he was 2.5 months old. After 5 wonderful months I am going back to the US where I live with my husband. Since I had SO much help in India....I am stressed about going back to no help and lonliness because I dont have a lot of friends there. My husband works and I worry about coping with baby alone. Also, my baby is so used to people around him I feel almost sorry for him because there will be no familiar faces back in US. Not to mention the crazy journey of 20 hours to get there. Anyone out there who can give me some advice?

Really worried about being stressed and lonely back in the US.?
That's so amazing that you were able to go visit your family for such an extended period of time. That's really going to be quite a journey getting back to the US. I suggest you pack at least twice as many activities for the plane as you think that you'll actually need. Hopefully, he'll sleep for quite a large chunk of the trip.

When you get back I suggest you try to meet up with other moms in your area for social interaction. You can try or craigslist. Also, your pediatrician or a local hospital may also be able to direct you towards groups. I think that getting out and forcing yourself to make friends will go a long way in helping relieve your feelings of isolation.
Reply:i think you would be fine.. Do not think that you are lonely.. you can always make friends or india friends that live near your apt places.. and you can always have family come back with you to stay with you.. but it should be stressed.. .... you can handle...

Just maybe from flying for about 20 hours may take long.. but you should be happy that you got help for few month of your baby is born...

So should not be stressed or be worry you be alone... Go make some friends.... around where you live... It time to bond with your child.. not coping with your child..

Just think about it you see your baby grow bigger and that you got more to do... just take easy..

do not think about it...
Reply:First, congrats to you and your family for your new baby boy. I know that you are feeling a little worried about your move back, but know that you have your husband waiting to be with you and your son. I know you said that your husband works during the day and you are afraid of "coping with baby alone", but sweetie you won't have to cope. You know your baby and all of the things that you do on a daily basis already will just continue. I agree with the other poster about you trying to get involved in playgroups of some sort in your area. I am not sure where you are moving back to, but I am sure that there will be groups available to you where you can get good adult interaction and your little one will be able to interact with other children around his age. There are also local churches that usually have either Mommies Day Out or MOPS (not quite sure that your little one is old enough for this one), but either way there will be many options for you. Maybe even a Gymboree will available in your area for you to join up. There are many options and don't look at this from the negative aspect, but try to embrace it as something new and exciting for the both of you. Most likely the biggest part of this move is going to be the huge part of you missing your family...I can't imagine not being able to see them, but do also live quite a ways from any family myself and it can be done. I have 4 kiddos and things get easier each day. Good luck to you and I hope you find some comfort very soon. OH! Take lots of great snacks and toys for your little one and yourself for that long flight home.

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