Saturday, April 17, 2010

This is something God told mt to write what do you think of it? (PLEASE READ)?


Yeah we all jammed to Beyonce’s song Let Me up Grade You, we snapped our finger and bobbed our heads, I hear you be the block but I’m the light that keeps the streets on. You feel me. But the up grade I’m talking about is the one from my Father my all mighty savior. My pastor preached on this sermon this past Sunday. While pastor was preaching the Lord spoke to me. You see this is not the first time he has spoken to me. It could be the first time I may have listen. He tells me he wants me to speak his word, but I don’t believe I’m ready yet. Yes I have found him, but I’m not holy. I love gospel but that is not the only music I listen to, when my children or my husband is on my last nerve I don’t always speak calm and proper. So how am I able to speak his word I can’t even speak correct English and have a hard time writing it. Everyday in someway he tells me this is what he wants me to do. So is this his way of up grading me?

Can you think of a way that he has spoken to you? Has he laid it out for you but you’re not willing to commit? Do you not think that you are worthy? Sometime God blesses us with things that we don’t believe that we can do. If you don’t take control of that blessing you will lose it. I’ve been dealing with this for a long time. Lord I don’t have time for that, I ‘m to busy. Then it hit me what if he’s to busy for me? I’m I not going to get that job that I’ve been praying for, is my marriage going to fail because it is not covered in his blood the blood that I’ve prayed for. The answer is yes. If we continue to ignore him he will eventually ignore us. But he will never let you down like some fathers on earth have. He will forever be by your side. Being the children that we are to him sometimes we are punished.

Some of us (me) we want things to happen right away when we pray for them. Not all the times this happens. You must continue to have faith and live by his word. First you have to be restored with the word. What does that mean? Once I really got in to church I began to really understand what that meant. My grandmother raised her family in church, but back then we couldn’t wait to set down and right notes to one another. If we weren’t going to lead the choir in a song it sure was going to be a boring 2 hours. Yeah we hard the words but were we soaking it in I wasn’t. Then I got older and church was like an attendance record. Girl let me go to church so when Easter came’s they want be saying she just came’s to church on Easter. I began attending my church and every attendance the word got deeper to me, deeper, deeper, and deeper. I began understanding the word clearly. The song the Lord Has Smiles On Me brought tears to my eyes. This is a song that I grow up singing never had it ever affected me before. Amazing graze how sweet the sound that saved a ranch like me I get so happy that I’m shouting in my mind THAT’S ME THERE TALKING ABOUT ME. I sure was blind but thank God now I see. I sit in church and cry and cry people on the sides of me think I’m crying because I’m hurting but that’s not the case. I’m crying because I’ve found him (GOD) I’m crying because I’m HAPPY. I once was like that person going up to the alter wanting to give up on EVERYTHING didn’t think my life could ever get any better. BUT I FOUND HIM I FOUND HIM and because I found him I know that they are going to be all right.

You have to be repositioned by the word. God’s way of blessing you is not your way of blessing you sometimes you have to go through HELL. GOD wants you to have so much more in life but some time’s you must get cut to get it. Some single woman maybe out there lonely depressed because they don’t have a man. You may slip on your way trying to find one. That slipping my have caused you your blessing in that good man that you have been waiting on is delayed because you must be punished first. Sisters yeah that sister might have that good man, but you never know what she’s been through to get him. Yeah that married couple is always smiling and happy but you don’t know what brought them to that point. First I should have told you DON’T BUT YOUR TRUST AND MAN! By saying man I mean human I talking to the guys to. Humans will only let you down. God knows your heart he knows what is best for you. I’m telling you this because I learned it the hard way. Some may say that I married at a young age 20 years old. I don’t believe I was young I was in love and my love for my husband is still as strong as when I first fell in love with him. The only thing that has changed is that I’m learning how to love him the way God wants me to. Not saying that I’m perfect because I’m not close to it. No, this just didn’t happen all of a sudden, it took me awhile to realize I can’t fix everything on my own. I had fallen down but God lifted me back up. Through it all I learned that I’m not the woman God wants me to be and if I don’t put him first I will never receive all that he has for me. Some women want children but they are not able to bear them. Some are out here dropping them like it’s hot in the words of Snoop and not taken care of them. What ever it is that you have in your heart that you desires God does make miracles. Sometime you have to dig deeper in order to find out what you have to do to receive that miracle. God is telling you something you just have to open your ears and listen to what ever he tells you to do LISTEN and OBEY. One day in church one of my classmates walked in with her sister, when I seen them God spoke to me. He told me that the two woman were going to go up to the alter for pray and when they do go up join them hug them let them know that it is nothing to be ashamed of that He is with them. Now in school this girl and I were not exactly friends in fact we finished school on a sour note. When it came time for the alter call they did go up to the alter. I fought it and fought I’m like God that girl is not going to trust me she is going to look at me like I’m crazy. My church asks the people that go to the alter to follow in a line and everyone goes to the back and writes down there pray request. My classmate in her sister set back down they didn’t go to the back. I could have been the familiar face that comfort them and let them know that everything was going to be alright, but I didn’t. The second time he spoke to me my niece received a kidney transplant within 2 years that is truly a blessing. Her mother called me to get the number to the newspaper and news channel. He told me Tiffany make sure she mentions my name. I’m like so I’m suppose to just say Net (her mother) make sure you tell Rasha to say that God did this for her. I hesitated but I told her. In today I’m writing my third message he told me to take my pastors message and make it into my own. I did.

Reward in the word. God wants you to have more you have to get cut to get it. I’ve been cut and stabbed and I’ve made it. I wrote poems before I’ve sent out stuff before but I’m not a good writer. I write how I say it and some may say it’s not correct English. Yeah I fought him with this one, but I did it. I love him so I’m willing to make a fool out of myself. I said that I was going to send it out to my cousin Tameka to proof read like I always do he told me no this is your words they need to hear it from you. They need to know that God children are not perfect we all have flaws. I don’t know what my purpose in life is but what ever he has planed for me I’m rolling with it. You see there is a great reward at the end. You may laugh at me you may criticizes me, but I told you in paragraph 3 that I don’t put my trust in man because they will always let you down. God has a great reward for that single mother, that childless sister, that woman that thinks her marriage is over, that woman with cancer, that child that is being bulled at school, that single father, that husband that is just about ready to give up, that student that doesn’t think college is for them, that girl who thinks by given her boyfriend everything he wants it will make him love her. God is talking to you its time for YOUR UP GRADE are you ready to receive it.

Now by me writing this to you doesn’t mean that you want see me dancing to my favorite song, drinking my favorite drink it means God is changing me I just have to be willing to receive it. I am I may slip up at time but again I’m human. If he did it for me trust me he can do it for you.

This is something God told mt to write what do you think of it? (PLEASE READ)?

Dear friend,

Please read my ANSWER CAREFULLY and follow the links, books %26amp; Videos, all free of charge, which provided below …



From the moment of creation, every man is endowed with the faculty of conceiving the existence of God through the use of his conscience and wisdom.

It is a clear fact that everything in the universe, down to the slightest detail, is the creation of God. Everything surrounding us is solid evidence of the existence of God. God created birds flying in the sky; fish in the depths of the ocean; camels in the desert or penguins at the south pole; the bacteria in our body, invisible to the naked eye, fruits, plants, clouds, planets, and glorious galaxies in the most complete state, and equipped them all with delicate systems and superior characteristics.

Similarly, all systems supporting life on earth are based on very delicate balances. Very slight, even millimetric variations or deviations in these balances would render life on earth impossible. A brief examination of these balances reveals the extraordinary calculation and design inherent in them. For instance, if the earth revolved at a slower speed around the sun, it would result in huge temperature differences between day and night. A faster speed, on the other hand, would mean the occurrence of hurricanes and floods, a serious challenge to existence on earth.

Likewise, there are many other delicate balances making the earth a life-supporting planet and it is unlikely that they could have come into existence by chance. Accordingly, it is impossible that a wise man would attribute such exquisite balances and calculations to blind chance. A car or a camera reminds man of the existence of a conscious designer. Similarly, one should conclude that the universe, with its glorious interrelated web of systems, is not a self-governing entity which came into existence all by itself. God frequently draws our attention to the evidence of creation:

It is He Who sends down water from the sky. From it you drink and from it come the shrubs among which you graze your herds. And by it He makes crops grow for you and olives and dates and grapes and fruit of every kind. There is certainly a Sign in that for people who reflect. He has made night and day subservient to you, and the sun and moon and stars, all subject to His command. There are certainly Signs in that for people who use their intellect. And also in the things of varying colours He has created for you on the earth, there is certainly a Sign for people who pay heed. (Surat an-Nahl: 10-13)

Is He, then, Who creates like him who does not create? So will you not pay heed? (Surat an-Nahl: 17)

Pondering over the issues mentioned in the above verses surely suffices to make one, albeit, totally deprived of religious knowledge, conceive of the existence of God and appreciate His power and might. Just considering one's body, a composition of interrelated complex systems, makes one conscious of the superior creation of God.

Consequently, one, who is even unaware of the book revealed by God, can reach God through observation and contemplation of his surroundings. For people of understanding, the world overflows with evidence:

In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are Signs for people with intelligence: those who remember God, standing, sitting and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth, saying: "Our Lord! You have not created this for nothing. Glory be to you! So safeguard us from the punishment of the Fire." (Surah Al 'Imran: 190-191)

At this point, the need for religion becomes more apparent. This is simply because one who perceives the existence of his Creator would surely like to feel closer to Him, know Him better and find ways to attain His love and mercy; and the only way to do this is to have a good understanding of the values of the Quran, the unchanged word of God and the divine book of Islam, the religion of truth.

(The Quran Provides Knowledge for the Most Fundamental Issues One Needs to Know )

In every age, God sent down messengers and books to man, thereby introducing Himself to man, instructing him about the attitudes, behaviour, moral values and life style He has designed us for. They informed man about the true meanings of the concepts of good and bad, right and wrong, making us aware of the life after death, the rewards for those who obey God and the punishment awaiting the rebellious ones.

In this way, God explained every issue man needs to know throughout his life by means of divine religions. All information pertaining to a fulfilling and rewarding life both in this world and beyond is provided to man. This basic purpose of righteous religions conveyed to man through messengers and books is given in many verses in the Quran:

…We have sent down the Book to you making all things clear and as guidance and mercy and good news for the Muslims. (Surat an-Nahl: 89)

We have sent it down with truth and with truth it has come down. We only sent you to bring good news and to give warning. (Surat al-Isra': 105)

Then We gave Musa the Book, complete and perfect for him who does good, elucidating everything, and a guidance and a mercy, so that hopefully they will believe in their encounter with their Lord. (Surat al-An'am: 154)

(The Quran Explains the Real Purpose of Life)

Throughout world history, billions of people came into being, lived and then died. Only a minority of these people endeavoured to grasp the real purpose of life. The rest simply drifted with the daily flow of events and spent their lives in vain pursuits. Basically, fulfilling their own desires became their main purpose in life. An unconscious and irresponsible attitude underlay this dominant mode of behaviour in almost all societies throughout ages. Every generation, with a few exceptions, repeated the errors of the preceding ones and simply adopted the purposes and values of their forefathers. This is a vicious cycle still repeated today.

The majority of people are enslaved by "unvarying" philosophies and principles, which are mostly based on the following line of reasoning: Man comes into existence, becomes adult, grows old and dies. One is born only once, and death puts an end to everything. This is why people have to "make the most of life" and strive to satisfy their whims and desires throughout their lives.

Thus, people come to spend their lives which they think to be their one and only chance by adhering to the life style and mode of behaviour they inherit from past generations. In a spirit totally deprived of the awareness of death, they make pursuing pleasures and planning for the future the ultimate aims of their lives. Regardless of cultural and social differences, this fact holds true for all people. A prestigious education, an admirable position in business life, high standards of living, a happy family and countless similar goals become the unchanging pursuits of life.

These goals can be further extended and would fill many pages if enumerated. However, the truth is, all these people turn a blind eye to the one and only reason for their existence. Meanwhile, they spend a whole life, which is a unique opportunity offered to them to accomplish their ultimate purpose, in vain. This ultimate purpose is to be a servant of God. This is explained in the Quran as follows:

I only created jinn and man to worship Me. (Surat adh-Dhariyat: 56)

The way to be a good servant of God is also communicated in the Quran. Being a servant of God means accepting the unity and existence of God; knowing His attributes and appreciating His majesty, serving no other deity except Him and devoting one's life to earning His approval. In the Quran, the moral values and lifestyle favoured by God are described in detail and people are summoned to this way of living.

A person living within the boundaries set by these values is given the good tidings of a perfect life both in this world and beyond. Otherwise, a bitter end awaits man.

The lifestyle one adheres to in this world shapes his eternal life. After death, there is no opportunity whatsoever to compensate for one's reprehensible deeds. Therefore, behaving as if man owes his existence in this world to coincidences, as if he is not bounded by any limits, and as if he has come to this world to spend his life in the pursuit of vain desires would ultimately lead to his own ruination. Those behaving irresponsibly towards their Creator, ignoring the real purpose of their existence, and remaining unconcerned about its consequences in the life beyond will be chided thus in the Hereafter:

Did you suppose that We created you for amusement and that you would not return to Us? (Surat al-Mu'minun: 115)

In reality, such people are not unaware of their purpose in life: God proclaimed it through His messengers and books and provided guidance to the true path. Furthermore, man is granted a lifetime to take warning. A show of regret by those who, having turned a deaf ear to all these opportunities, have deviated from their real purpose in life and pursued their own desires will not save them from torment:

They will shout out in it: "Our Lord! Take us out! We will act rightly, differently from the way we used to act!" But He will answer: "Did We not let you live long enough for anyone who was going to pay heed to pay heed? And did not the warner come to you? Have a taste of it then! There is no helper for the wrongdoers." (Surah Fatir: 37)

For complete answer please refer to this book(FREE OF CHARGE)

The Nightmare of Disbelief (BOOK):
Reply:Too long to read, I'll wait for the movie
Reply:Wow, you sure talk a lot.

I bet your great at putting ppl to sleep %26amp; giving headaches.
Reply:You could have hung a whole bedroom with all that paste!

(bloody finger's sore scrolling down to submit')
Reply:no thx

tooth decay

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